132. RID Starscream x Seeker Femme Reader - Memories

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One day while you're out on a flight you end up in a destroyed part of Vos and find something special in a pile of rubble.

Requested by: IsabelleBandorilover
As you were flying around Vos you soon found yourself in a destroyed part. It had only been a few years since the war ended, so not all of Vos was fully restored. You found a place to land and transformed once you were sure that it was safe. You walked around for a bit, passing by destroyed buildings and piles of rubble. You were careful where you were walking, making sure that you wouldn't accidentally hurt yourself.

As you passed a pile of rubble you saw something shiny. It piqued your curiousity, so you decided to check it out. You knelt down and removed the rubble, only to find an old music box. You carefully picked up the box and Looked at it. You weren't sure how it got there, so you put it in your subspace.

You walked around for a little longer, hoping to find any clues that might reveal who the owner of the music box might belong to. When you didn't find anything you transformed and flew back to the palace. Once you got back to the palace you transformed and looked for your sparkmate. After a while of looking you found Starscream in your shared berthroom.

"How was your morning flight?" Starscream asked you as you joined him on the berth.

"It was good. Look what I found in the destroyed part of Vos." You said as you took the music box out of your subspace.

Starscream looked at the music box in confusion, not recognizing it at first. You handed it to him so that he could take a closer look at it. He decided to start the music box to see which song it played. As soon as it started playing he immediately recognized the tune. Old memories immediately started to come back to him, causing him to burst into tears.

"Starscream, what's wrong?" You softly asked your sparkmate, feeling his sadness over the bond.

"Long before the war whenever Skywarp, Thundercracker or I couldn't recharge or if one of us had a nightmare our carrier would hum this same tune. After they offlined during the war I made this music box to calm myself and my brothers down or to help us recharge. When the Autobots invaded our camp I tried to get it, but because there were too many of them I had to leave it behind. It was hard to leave it behind because it was the only thing I had left of my carrier and I thought it had been destroyed. Thank you for finding this." Starscream said, crying in happiness.

You were happy that you found something that meant so much to him. Starscream didn't didn't think that he deserved such a kind and beautiful femme such as yourself. You heard his thoughts over the bond. You sent a wave of love and comfort over the bond.

"You're welcome. I love you so much, Starscream." You said softly as you hugged him.

"I love you too, Y/C/n." Starscream said as he hugged you back.

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