38. Shiro + Daughter! Reader - Abandoned

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While Shiro is still in college he had a one night stand with some random girl while they were both drunk. Afterwards, he doesn't remember it happening. But one night about nine months after it happened he finds something unexpected on his doorstep.

It was late at night and Shiro was just getting done studying for an upcoming test. He checked his phone to see if Adam, a cute guy in his class, texted him. He smiled when he saw that Adam wished him a good night. After getting in his pajamas and brushing his teeth he was finally ready for bed. However, he heard a knock on his door right as he was going to turn his bedroom light off.

He went to his front door as the knocking continued. He turned the light on and unlocked his front door. As he opened the door he looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"Hello?" Shiro called out, expecting someone to answer.

You woke up when you heard a man call out. You peeked out from your blanket and looked up. To your surprise there was a man standing over you instead of your mother. You made a sound, causing Shiro to look down.

"Where did you come from?" Shiro asked, clearly shocked to see you in a box and wrapped in a pink blanket.

You looked up at the strange man as he picked you up. As Shiro picked you up and looked at you he noticed that you kinda looked like him. He saw that there was a note pinned to your blanket.

'Shiro, after our one night stand I found out that I was pregnant. I would have loved to raise our daughter with you, but I'm currently unable to. Her name is Y/n. Please take care of her. Love, M/n.'

Shiro was extremely confused by the note. Then it hit him; he had gotten someone pregnant while he was at that party several months ago. He went back into his apartment with you. When he got back to his bedroom he put you on his bed and grabbed his phone. He quickly texted Matt and explained what happened. Matt texted him back and told him that he would bring some baby supplies.

"Well, I guess I'm your daddy. I promise to always love and protect you, Y/n." Shiro said as he took you out of your basket and hugged you, crying a little as he did so.

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