99. Ulaz x Fem! Human Reader - A hunt gone wrong

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You go with your husband, Ulaz, and a few other Blades on a hunt. You end up getting separated from them and you get hurt. A few days later Antok finds you and rushes you to your husband.

(This has nothing to do with my other Ulaz x Reader chapters)

Requested by: Ravage4

You were super excited because you were going with Ulaz and a few other Blades on a hunt. Ulaz gave you a stealth suit so that you could go with him. A few hours later you, Ulaz and a few other Blades were in a forest on a strange planet. At first, it was easy for you to follow everyone. But after a while you lost sight of them in the dense forest.

"Ulaz!" You called out, hoping for an answer.

When no one answered you, you started to panic. You were lost and you didn't know where everyone was. You started running around and calling out for him, but no one answered. After what seemed like forever the wind started blowing and the clouds covered the two suns that were in the sky. As you ran around more you slipped on something and landed in a ditch.

You screamed in pain as you twisted your left ankle. Not only that, but you tore your stealth suit's left leg and your left leg was bleeding. You were really scared now.

"Ulaz! Help! Is anyone there?!" You yelled out as it started to rain.


Ulaz and the other Blades silently ran through the grass as they followed the tracks of a large animal. Ulaz briefly looked back and saw that you weren't behind him. With the sky becoming cloudy and the wind blowing he was worried about you.

"Is something wrong?" Antok asked Ulaz.

"Y/n is gone." Ulaz said, trying not to sound nervous.

"We will find her. For now, we must focus on the hunt." Antok told his friend.

Ulaz hesitantly followed Antok, hoping that you were alright. He didn't know what he would do if he lost you. As the hunt went on the weather got worse, so everyone went back to the ship they came in so that they wouldn't be caught in the bad weather. As the storm went on Ulaz had a feeling that something bad happened to you. All he wanted was for you to be safe in his arms.


A few days passed and you were getting dehydrated. Your stomach grumbled with hunger as you laid in the ditch. You tried climbing out, but your left ankle hurt too much. You were worried that you were going to die. What you didn't know was that Ulaz and the other Blades were looking for you.

Everyone split up so that they could cover more ground. Ulaz was out somewhere, calling out for you. But when you didn't answer after a while he was afraid that you were dead. He went back to the ship to see if anyone had brought you there yet. Meanwhile, Antok had found your scent and followed it.

"Y/n?" Antok asked when he found you in the ditch.

You tried saying something, but your throat hurt too much. Antok climbed into the ditch and carefully picked you up. Before you knew it, he was carrying you in the direction of the ship. When Ulaz saw Antok carrying you he got out his medical supplies as well as some food and water.

"I found her in a ditch." Antok said as he brought you in the ship and gently placed you on the floor.

"Thank you for finding her, Antok. I don't know what I would have done if I lost her." Ulaz said, thanking his friend.

"It was no problem." Antok said before he left, giving the two of you some privacy.

Ulaz checked you and immediately got to work on fixing your injuries. You smiled as he carefully took care of you. Afterwards, he gave you some of the food and water.

"I'm so glad that you are alive, Y/n. I was afraid that I lost you." Ulaz said as he looked down at you.

"I'm sorry for getting lost." You said, your voice weak.

"I know. I'm just glad that I have you back." Ulaz purred as he leaned down and nuzzled you, happy that he had you back.

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