James 1:21

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NIV: So put out of your life every evil thing and every that is wrong. Then in gentleness accept God's teaching that is planted in your hearts, which can save you

NCV: Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you

Meaning: When you get rid of all the stuff in your life that is distracting us from God, everything in your life that is wrong, everything weighing you down, Christ can finally work in you. God uses his people that are freshly cleansed through the Lord. When you are renewed, God will save you if you ask.

All the evil in our lives is what separates us from God. He is literally sitting in heaven waiting for us to come to our senses and come find him and break that wall down. Instead of blaming God when it comes to tough times, let us be taught by him from what he shows us. The worst thing that can happen is getting angry. We need to be willing to To accept our weaknesses and faults. Nobody is perfect. But we need to recognize where we need help from God most. Be patient with God. This is something i really do struggle with and I'm sure a lot of you do too but maybe you don't realize it. Maybe you go to church and you act like that flood kid but then u go to school and your totally someone else. Someone who swears, listens to bad music, watches bad shows, goes to parties, gets drunk, does drugs etc. Those are the things God wants us to get rid of. He can't use us in a meaningfully Christian way if we aren't fully walking completely in his footsteps. Take some time and just sit and think about your life. I'm serious. Think about all the good and all the bad. Even make a list if you want. Make it your goal to get rid of the bad in your life. Surrender everything to God. He will be good to you <3


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