~John 10:11~

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John 10:11

NCV: I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.

Meaning: So for the past several days plus the rest of this week and next week, Megan and I have been at a fantastic bible camp!... It's been tons of fun so over the course of the next few days we might be using verses from that... Like today's! So today we talked about a few parables... The one I'm gonna be talking about is the one about the 99 + 1 sheep. The parable talks about how when a shepherd had 100 sheep and when just one of the runs off, he leaves the 99 sheep to go find it and when he does find it, he rejoices! This is just like our relationship with God as he is like our 'good shepherd'! A lot of us have probably made the mistake of thinking that we've got life figured out and can go our own way and that results in us wandering away from God. But, just like the sheep, when we do this, God wants us so badly to turn back to him and to follow his ways, not our own! When we do come back to Him, he will rejoice, because we were lost but now are found! On another note, God is so so so happy when one person, just one, becomes a follower of him!! Seriously, there is a huge celebration in heaven every time someone new joins Gods family! What an awesome God :)

Challenge: We all can mess up pretty bad in life and think that there is no way we are worthy to go back to God... But that's no true! No matter what you've done, God is still there with his arms wide open waiting for you to come back and when you do, he rejoices! {Check out the parable of the Prodigal Son as well- it really connects to this} So I challenge you, if this is something you have been struggling with to repent to God because He wants you to turn to him!

Have a great evening everyone :)


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