Romans 8:37

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NIV: No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

NCV: But in all these things we are completely victorious through God who showed his love for us.

Meaning: We can conquer all things through Christ. Literally everything is possible through the Lord our God. Im going to make this a short post because its Saturday, and just because maybe some of you don't feel like reading a lot. Anyways, because God loves us, he gave us the freedom to choose him, and because we did, he can honestly save us and get us through anything. We can conquer the world with him. To be more than a conquer means to know that before a problem comes your way, you know that no matter what it may be, you can get through it. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. When you have this sort of relationship with Christ, you're not constantly worry about bad news or the worst possible things in life, and when somethings bad comes your way, you're not devastated, and you know to turn to God. Satan will get you if your relationship is weak. He is always looking for ways to bring us down, make us feel small, worthless, and destroy us. Satan is our enemy and we need to watch out for him, but with Gods love in us, we can conquer him.

So today, Taylor, Katie and I made a video of us singing "Build your Kingdom Here" by Rend Collective, and we are going to post it on youtube! When we get it up, one of us will let you know and probably attach is to the post! We would really appreciate if you guys would watch it :) it would mean a lot. We were kind of just playing around and being silly, so its no proffesional singing, but we thought it was kinda funny ;)


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