John 3:30

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Today's verse: John 3:30

NIV: He must become greater; I must become less.

NCV: He must become greater, and I must become less important.

Meaning: All Christians want to gain a better relationship with our father. All Christians want to be happy and to be filled with the Holy Spirit . There is two kinds of people you will meet in life. People that will work towards what they want and people who don't put effort into things. To be saved and to gain a better relationship with God you need to be the first kind of person, you need to put effort into it. God can only put so much into his relationship with you, you need to seek him. If you want a relationship with him you need to shift your focus. Come into the "Christian way of thinking" and put him before yourself. When you really put effort into things and decide to dedicate your life to him, it becomes less about you and more about him. Put him before yourself and your relationship will flourish!

****agh! I'm so sorry guys!! I went to a tractor/truck pull with my dad today. If you don't know what that is it's basically where different types of specialty modified trucks an tractors compete in a competition on who can pull the set amount of weight the furthest. The tractors/trucks are attached to a weight machine witch gradually slides a box full of weight closer to the truck. Whichever truck can pull the weight the furthest before spinning out wins! It's really cool to watch! Anyways, it ended up going late and I didn't get home until 12:30 in the morning... So I am so so so sorry for missing my post for the day. It's up now though! On the bright side you basically get two posts today ;) Sorry guys! Have a great night anyway!****

God bless!

-Taylor :)

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