Romans 8:25-25

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Today's verse: Romans 8:24-25

TLB {The Living Bible}:We are saved by trusting. And trusting means looking forward to getting something we don't yet have-for a man who already has something doesn't need to hope and trust that he will get it. But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn't happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.

Meaning: This is a great verse that was the verse-of-the-day on the app I have! Go back and read the verse a couple more times and really think about what it says.

Trust is a powerful and amazing thing, it's important to learn where to put our trust and it hurts when it's broken. Like this verse says, we are saved by trust, by putting our faith in Jesus Christ! It then says that when we put our trust into someone, we are "looking forward to getting something we don't have." What I think this means is when we trust in God, we are putting our life in his hands, surrendering to Him and saying you are on control now Lord! Through this, we can look forward to the things God, for his power and glory, twill do in our lives, we can look forward to discovering or spiritual gifts or gaining more knowledge about God and the bible, things we might not have had before a relationship with Christ! Someone who already has something, we don't need to hope and trust we will get that thing, says the next part of the verse.

The final part I love the most: When we keep on trusting God, anchoring our hope in him and trust him for something that hasn't happened yet, we learn the quality of waiting with patience and with confidence! Does that make sense? If we were given everything we wanted right now, we wouldn't have to trust that God will provide for us in his time, but by waiting, we learn patience and the importance of trusting God!:)

This verse I found very thought provoking and really gets me thinking about trust and waiting patiently and stuff like that, I think it's an awesome verse to have as your wallpaper to remind you about trusting in God!

Hope you all had lovely days! It was officially this first day of snow here where we live!:) Have a super night :)


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