2 Corinthians 9:7

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Today's verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7


NIV: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

NCV: Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily.

Meaning: If you are blessed enough to be able to give to others do so! It's sad to think of all the things we take for granted. When there is people who will throw good at each other or just waste it, most people don't take the time to remember that their is people who would absolutely love that food, so you should be thankful! But when it comes to giving, you must do it out of the kindness of your heart! Don't be upset,angry or only give because you feel you have to. That's not the right way to give. Like the verse says: "God loves the person who gives happily!"

Take action: I personally loveee to give and try to do so whenever possible! Being a teenager with little money ( haha we've all been there) it's hard to give sometimes. I personally love to give as much as I can during the Christmas season. With little money it's hard to give but I do when I can! Somewhere in the bible it talks about giving a tenth! I know a few people decided to follow that and like to give a tenth of their income back to their church. I know for me, that's not possible, but anything helps! Whatever you give, do so from your heart!

*** UPDATE!!! So Katie and I have a graduation to attend tonight and we are going on a week long trip next week! So I wrote this quickly before the grad! There will be regular scheduled posts for the weekend but we will be unable to post next week! But please guys, still stay active! I will try and reply to your messages if I am able to get Internet! If any of you know the verse that mentions giving a tenth please let me know in the comments! God bless guys! Have a great night!


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