Luke 16:10

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NIV: Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

NCV: Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Meaning:  This verse pretty much means that people who can be trusted with even just little stuff  can be trusted with the big stuff too. But whoever can't be trusted with little stuff can't be trusted with big stuff.  Look at it this way.  When you tell someone just a little secret that is no big deal, That person might think that it's okay to tell others because it's just a "little" secret. But when they do tell everyone, you realize you can't trust them, especially with a bigger secret.  But if they don't tell anyone, they're generally a trustworthy person! Or how about someone lies to you about just a little thing. When it comes to you having to believe them about something big, you wont be able to trust them very much. You wont believe them because they have lied in the past to you. Lately I have found that it's good to have at least one person you can trust. I have a lot of those friends that i kind of just socialize with, but they aren't people i would share my deepest secrets with.  I only have about 3 people I can actually talk to about stuff. Be careful who you share your information with. And be one of those poeple that others can trust. Don't go gossiping, or share stuff thats not any of your business with everyone else. Some things are meant to be kept to yourself especially if someone asks you to not tell. But remember God is the Holy one! He is 100% trustworthy no matter what. He does not tell anyone. When you have any issues or your going through a tough time, or even you just want to share your day with him whether it was good or bad, God will be there for you to listen and comfort you in whatever you are going through. I definetly know he comforts. Lately I have really been needing it.  Going through what I think might be depression, I can trust God to tell him what im feeling, even when there is no one else to talk to. Whoever may be feeling anything like this, or even happy, and there are secrets maybe like your crush ;) God is totally here to listen. He knows that this world is not always faithful to one another, but he is always here for us no matter what. Thats one thing that is so amazing about our God! I still encourage you to listen to some Christian tunes!! One great song is 'me without you'' by Toby Mac. I promise, like all of his songs are insanely catchy and they all have such a great message! please check them out!  Have an amazing weekend!!


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