Psalms 19:14

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Pslams 19:14

NLT: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Meaning: What we say, what we do and our thoughts should all please God because he deserves all the glory!- basically this verse summed up in on sentence! Every day we make so many decisions whether we realize it or not! We decide what we repeat to our friends, what comes out of our mouths, who we interact with, our attitude, our actions and the list goes on. The real question that I challenge you to ask yourself is does it all please God? Will others notice something different about you because of the way you talk and act? Think before you speak is such an important little saying- once they are out, you can never take those words back! So use them to build each other up, and light His name high!
God is our rock and our redeemer, always there for us talk to and is our light! He loves and cares for you and he create you for a purpose.... and deserves all our praise!

A short & sweet post for a short & super sweet verse! Hope you all had a great week and enjoy your weekend :) Challenge: remember to bring glory to God in all that you do!

-Katie <3

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