1 Corinthians 10:23

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Today's verse: 1 Corinthians 10:23

NIV: "I have the right to do anything," you say-but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"-but not everything is constructive.

NCV: "We are allowed to do all things," but not all things are good for us to do. "We are allowed to do all things," but not all things help others grow stronger.

Meaning: We all can do whatever we want. We have rules and laws set in place to deter people from doing things, but it doesn't 100% stop it. People do drugs,steal and murder still happens. So, as Christians and for those who are non believers, we can really do anything! The choice is weather it's a good thing or not to do! Each person faces this choice. But, as Christians we are always under constant scrutiny by other people to be their idea of a "perfect Christian." We have to make choices that not only please ourselves but God too!

Take action: Sometimes what we want an think is right is not what God wants. It's hard to balance things when making choices sometimes. Maybe you really want to go to that school dance but when you think about it, you know that's not what God wants. Even the best of us face situations like this. The very best thing you can do is pray about it! Ask God to help you make good choices and to make clear to you what he wants. I've probably said this numerous times throughout this book but really, prayer is the absolute best weapon and asset you could aver have!

I'm actually super happy we hit 30K views last night! That is so incredible guys! Thank you so much for all of your overflowing love and support! I never would have imagined this could ever happen! You guys are so great! Have an awesome night and always remember to be thankful!

-Taylor <3

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