Matthew 10:19-20

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Matthew 10:19-20

NIV: Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the spirit of your father speaking through you.

Meaning: This verse is talking about witnessing- sharing your faith with people around you! I found this quote in my bible and really wanted to share it with you!

Witnessing isn't:

-grabbing a friends short and yelling "You're going to hell!"

-trying to convince someone to go to church with you

-letting kids with bad reputations know you think they're no good.

-carrying a great big Bible on top of your books at school

These aren't really effective ways to share Gods word. You can truly earn the 'right' to witness by being real. Be friendly, be humble, show Gods love. Live it out! Another thing I've often thought about how am I suppose to share Gods word with others and my bible answered that question perfectly! Keep the focus on Jesus! He died for you and for me and he's the one who you want to share with your friends to teach them about Christ! Like this verse says, God will speak through you and will tell you what to say! I really want to challenge you to be strong in your faith don't be afraid to spread the Good News to others. Like I mentioned early its not right no go around proudly proclaiming that you are Christian and everyone isn't as good as you, we are to be humble and we are not deserving of praise, all the glory goes to GOD!

At the end of Matthew, we are told to make disciples and spread Gods news! It doesn't say it will be easy, but it will be rewarding!:)

Sorry for the shorter post tonight, Megan wasn't able to post so I filled in for her :) Hope you are all having a fantastic week! Jesus loves you :)

- Katie

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