Colossians 4:3a, 5-6

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Colossians 4:3a, 5-6

NIV: And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message... Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Meaning: So in my last post, I talked about the first part of this verse which talks about topics such as prayer, seeking God and more so if you haven't read it yet, go check if out {Colossians 4:2-4}

Today, I really want to share something that was talked about the really got me thinking... Praying for open doors. "You can't go through a closed door" was an obvious yet meaningful thing said by the speaker at the Change Conference.

Sharing our faith is something we are told to do in the bible, but the question sometimes can be how? What if your friend isn't exactly open to hearing about Christ or maybe just doesn't care? Paul tells us to ask God to open doors for us, open opportunities to pour into people's lives. It might not be Gods plan, like I said, you can't go through a closed door. I also think doors can be related to life.... At points it may seem like so many doors are closing for you, things are falling apart and notching good seems to happening. I encourage you to through those times, pray for and open door, an opportunity through the confusion to strengthen your relationship with Christ or lead others to him! Pray for those open doors!

If God opens a door for you { Praise HIM for the amazing opportunity!!} and allows you to connect with someone and shine a lift to them, let that conversation be "seasoned with salt". Be full of grace. Like I mentioned in the last post, proclaim Gods wonderful mystery! Let God speak through you. Those are some pretty deep thoughts and I've talked a lot about prayer in this little series hong I'm doing :) Remember, you can't go through a closed door, and if though prayer God opens one for you, make the most of it!:)

That's a lot to think about! Has God opened any doors for you? Allowed you to share his love with others or anything else I've talked about in past 2 days? Let me know in the comments or message us cause we all love talking to you!

Sorry for the shorter post, it's been on crazy day! Have a great night everyone!


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