James 1:22-24

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James 1:22-24

NLT: ‎But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.

Meaning: Hearing the word of God and accepting it is great. It's a choice we all will or have made or will make and a step we all will hopefully take. But that is only the beginning to the Christian walk. We are called to take that faith, the guidelines, the principles and the wisdom Gods word provides for us and put it into action and do as it says! Be a living example of God's word- a great thought for us to challenge ourselves ‎with each day. Listen to the word and obey. I love the little simile here!! When you look in the mirror and see yourself, you will remember the reflection you just saw, just like when we study and learn more about God through his word, we are to reflect and live out the things we read, learn and do on. But looking at your self in the mirror and not remembering what you just saw, reading a chapter in the bible about self- control and then going and yelling at our little sister... it doesn't quite line up. Live it out for Jesus and be a positive reflection of him.

I've been starting to read through James and it is honestly such a sweet book! So I'm going to be doing a mini James series over the next several posts. If you have an favourites verses from James let me know!‎

Put that faith of yours into action and have a great week :)


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