2 Corinthians 5:17

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first...I AM SUPER PUMPED TO BE BACK ON!!! its been such a long time, so its great to start up again :)

NIV: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here!"

I'm not quite sure if this verse has been deconstructed yet, but it is one that has really come to mind lately in the past few months that I felt I should share.  So basically this verse says that once you have accepted Christ into your life, the person you were before is completely gone, and you have become someone totally different. As teenagers, we often get caught up in ways of other friends, and try to fit in with the crowd because we don't want to stand out and look different from most people. Sometimes we fall off the path God would want us on and we turn into someone that doesn't spread God's love. But us, as Gods sheep, he comes looking for us and bring us back into the light. Once were back, sometimes it is hard to let go of your past and it prevents you from getting any closer to God because you have this barrier of regret or shame separating you. We need to remember that if you have asked God for forgivness, he forgives you and there is no need to feel shame. You have become a new person and you are no longer your old self. Your old past, and ways are not whats stopping you from getting closer to God. Its the fact that you have not forgiven yourself and let yourself move on. 

I want you guys to think about anything that might be hindering your relationship with God from something that happened in your past. Nothing is worse than not being able to get closer with him. I encourage you to take that and forgive what happened and let yourself move on. Just think of this verse. Anybody that is in Christ has become a new person. Whether it was maybe partying and drinking, drugs, relationships,  lying, stealing, anything honestly, get it out of the way so you can move on with your relationship with Christ!

Megan :)

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