Romans 8:31

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Today's verse: Romans 8:31 :)

NIV: What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

NCV: So what should we say about this? If God is for us, no one can defeat us.

Meaning: Today's verse is short, sweet and one of my favorites. Yeah, there's always going to be someone who is jealous, someone who doesn't like you, your enemy/rival. There not going to be for you, or help you out are they? But.... Nobody not even the devil can defeat is if we have God!! The Ruler or Rulers, the King of Kings, the One True Father is for us! He won't make any problems too big and he will always protect us. He won't let you be defeated!!

Take action: For those of you who have a car this verse makes a great bumper sticker! I've seen so many of them, it's such a neat idea. Another neat idea is setting a picture of this verse as your wallpaper on your phone/computer. I'm constantly on my phone so it's a great reminder whenever I turn my phone on! This verse is such a great reminder that when God has put you in a tough situation, you should jut push through it because he will not let you be defeated!!

I hope your Sunday has been great so far! If you guys are liking the book be sure to tell your friends! Thanks so much for all your support!
God blessssssss <3

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