Genesis 1:27

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Genesis 1:27

NIV: So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

NCV: So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female.

Meaning: This verse is pretty self explanatory. So, I'm going to take this verse and try to explain it using one if the major issues today, self image. One of the major problems in society today is people who don't think they are pretty enough, or people who don't see there own beauty and who let the negative comments of others get to them. This verse tells us God created us in the image of himself. None of us have seen God but we can imagine he looks AMAZING!! If we think he looks amazing and we were created in his image that means... We look amazing too!! Each one of you reading this, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you differently. You might not be the one who gets all the girls/boys or who gets all the nice comments, but believe me when I say you are beautiful! God spent so much time on you and for you to think that of yourself must sadden him. God created us, Man and Women, Male in Female in his own glorious beautiful image!!

Take action: It's sad to say but I don't always like how I look sometimes. We all end up comparing ourselves to others. To stay motivated try sticking some cute sayings on your mirror. Stick sticky notes saying "your beautiful" or "Jesus loves me, I'm to die for" and cute things like that. When your feeling down there is this one really great video I love to watch. It's not Christian or anything but it's amazing! I've included it at the start of this chapter.

I really hope you all check out that video it's absolutely perfect!!! It makes you realize how much your words really do hurt. If u liked it let me know in the comments below!

Have a great day my beautiful's <3


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