Nature (Psalm 104:14-16)

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Psalm 104:14-16

NIV:He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate- bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine,
and bread that sustains their hearts.
The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

Meaning: The crazy beauty and complexity of nature has really been on my mind this past week due to my science class. Recently we have been studying ecology. It's all been about plants,animal and organisms live together. It's really crazy how the food chain works. If one thing is eliminated , it has monstrous effects on everything else, possibly even a collapse of the food chain. God has placed all of the plants and animals on earth and has fined tuned them to live in harmony. It's Incredible what fine work God has done. He makes the grass grow, plants for us to eat, and other food to sustain our lives. God looks over and protects not only us but ALL of our beautiful earth. From tiny bacteria to huge whales, God takes care of them like he takes care of us. The craziest thing is, how beautiful it all is. As the wheatear has been getting warmer here in Canada, I've been laying outside in my hammock the past few days. I've just been marveling at the beautiful sunsets and all the frogs and birds I can hear over at my pond. Christ put the animals on the earth like he put us on her, we must respect and protect our nature! So as this week goes on, I encourage all you you to go on a little adventure, take a look at all of Gods beautiful creation!


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