Acts 17:26

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Acts 17:26

NLT: From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries.

Meaning: What a great verse! It totally illustrates that awesome power, the creativity and the awesomeness of our God. He had everything completely mapped out- including your life! Your purpose, your gifts. All planned. Sometimes you might feel like you are just going through life with no real purpose at all, no reason? Well God created you! He included you in his huge plan and has a purpose for YOU. You have value in God's eyes, and that's what matters. Talk to him about bringing that plan into your view and in his own time, he will! Sorry about the shorter post today, it's been a busy night! Anyways, hopefully you have all been having a great week and God bless!<3 and happy 300th post!🎉🎉Wow!!


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