Matthew 23:12

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Today's verse: Matthew 23:12

NIV: For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

NCV: Whoever makes himself great will be made humble. Whoever makes himself humble will be made great.

Meaning: This is a very controversial bible verse simply because the meaning really can vary depending on how you look at it! I encourage you before you read what I get out of it, to stop and evaluate what you think it means. I really see this verse as talking about how being humble and great go hand and hand. You might be the greatest person on your hockey team but if your not humble, God and well frankly, everyone else won't like you. Being humble is one of the worlds most important things! Nobody is going to respect you if your always boasting about yourself. If you come before God being humble, he will make you great and well respected with everyone else! The best people are humble, it's not always about oneself.

Take action: When in athletics, the work place, school or even at home think about this verse. Everyone's good at different things and always give others a hand. It's great to talk about your accomplishments, you gotta give yourself credit for things. But, there is a fine line between both sides. We aren't perfect so Before you speak about such things remind yourself of this verse. I promise you you'll make way better choices!

Hey guys, I feel like I haven't posted here in forever! So my power went out for a long time yesterday ( living in the country problems haha) and so as you probably know, I was unable to post! This past weekend has been kinda crazy with our posting schedule but it should now return to normal so thanks for sticking with us! I hope you all had a super great weekend! God bless

-Taylor :)

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