Romans 8:32

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Romans 8:32

NIV: He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

NCV: He did not spare his own Son but gave him for us all. So with Jesus, God will surely give us all things.

Meaning: Our God truly is a giving and gracious God. Not only did he give himself up and his one and only Son, which is the most amazing gift ever, but he provides for us each and every day! This verse tells us that our Heavenly Father "will surely give us all things." God has given us also the gift of eternal life with him because Jesus died on the cross to take our sins... That's a pretty incredible gift! But I think that an important thing to remember is that sometimes God is not going to give you what you want, when you want it... Sometimes he has better plans for you! And those are plans to give you a hope and a future and not to harm you ( Jeremiah 29:11- see 2nd post in this book)! Prayer is also an amazing thing! It allows us to talk to God and to bring our requests before Him! Ask him for things but also thank him for the amazing things her has done because there are so many things to be thankful for!

Take Action: Because of the amazing gifts God has given to us, we should share those with others! Spread Gods amazing gift of love and compassion to people around them and teach them about how they can accept the gift of eternal life!

How's everyone weekend going? Hope you are all having a great time in whatever you are doing! Have a restful Sunday tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your weekend :) Never forget you are worth more than gold!!


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