Ecclesiastes 3:1

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-Ecclesiastes 3:1-

NIV: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

NASB: There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven--

Meaning: I know I've done a few posts around the topic of how God has a plan for you, how he's in control and about his timing and such, but it's a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately, especially because on Sunday we had an awesome sermon about Gods plans for us! Gods plans for us are perfect. Absolutely perfect. The sermon we had was titled "Perfect Plan" and was based around the stories of Paul's travels in the book if Acts! Paul had some pretty interesting experiences, but through it all, he found hope and courage in the fact that God had a perfect plan for him!!! Ahhh that just makes me so thankful that I serve such an amazing God!! Even though the path may not always be easy, he still has a plan! This verse is talking about there is a timing for everything that happens in our lives, God has a reason for it. I think another key part of this verse is that it says a season for everything "under the heavens". Under Gods timing, not our own! And his timing, his plan and all that he does is completely and totally perfect. :)

As back to school is coming up pretty soon, and your getting ready to transition into a new grade or a new school or whatever, remember that God loves you and cares for you and has a plan for YOU!

Have a lovely night everyone! God loves you all more than you can imagine! ❤


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