The Story of Abram||Genesis 15:6

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Genesis 15:6
NCV: Abram believed the Lord. And the Lord accepted Abram's faith, and that faith made him right with God.

Meaning: While searching through the Canadian Netflix today I stumbled upon a show called The Bible. It's basically a reenactment of key parts of the bible. The first episode focus's on the story of Abram(Abraham.)

God came to Abram and told him to pack up and leave home. He told him he'd provide him and his wife with many great blessings. So, he trusted God, packed up and left. Years later God came to him once again. God told him he'd give him a son and his children would have children and soon there would be as many children as there are stars. A son was the one thing Abram wanted most in life, unfortunately he was old and considered past the point of having children. So, God telling him this really excited Abram. To make a long story short, Abram had a son with his wife's servant. This was because they were afraid Abram would remain without a son, despite Gods promise. Later, God did bless then with a son, a son God told them to name Isaac. To prove Abrams trust in him, God asked Abram to pay the ultimate price. God told him to sacrifice Isaac. "Why do this to me" he asked God. Abrams trust in God was so strong he took Isaac to be sacrificed. Just as He was about to end Isaac's life, a lamb appears. Christ provided Abram the lamb to be sacrificed instead of his son. Abraham's story along with this bible verse tells us that we need to be as trusting and as patient as he was. He trusted God would guide him through, he trusted God would keep his promise to him; he did all these things.

If you take just one thing out of my brief story of Abraham, trust God. He has a plan for you, he knows exactly what he's doing. If your interested in an in depth version of the story of Abraham I recommend watching the show The Bible. It makes it really easy to understand and it's very accurate:)

Have a great night guys <3

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