Psalm 139:9-10

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Today's verse: Psalm 139:9-10

NIV: If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

NCV: If I rise with the sun in the east
and settle in the west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me. With your right hand you would hold me.

Meaning: I honestly think this is such a cool verse so I just had to share it with you! In our lives God is always with us. From before we were born to our final days. He is all and see's all. This verse tells us just that. The bible tend to use super cool metaphors and stuff that relate to nature and this is an example of that. It tells us that no matter where we are on the far side of the sea or rising with the sun for example, he will be there for us. Through the good, the bad, weather in a different country or in a small town, he'll be there. He will be with and protect us, metaphorically holding us within his hand. He is the creator if the universe and will always be there for us, his little precious creations.

Hey fabulous people :)
I know there is quite a few new readers out their so welcome! I hope your enjoying the book so far! We put so much time and effort into this just for you guys :) If you ever want to talk or have any feedback on our book, leave us a message! We love to chat with you guys! Soccer tonight was brutal, so sorry for a shorter post, I'll make up for it, I promise! Anyways goodnight everyone, God bless <3


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