1 Corinthians 15:33-34

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NIV: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.

NCV:   Do not be fooled: “Bad friends will ruin good habits.”  Come back to your right way of thinking and stop sinning. Some of you do not know God—I say this to shame you.

Meaning: Right now in my life, this verse means a whole lot to me. You may think you have the greatest friends in the world, but really, what kind of an influence do they have on you.  Honestly stop and think if God would be proud of your friends, and the decisions they are making. Unfortunately, one of my closest friends has decided to hang out with the wrong group of people. Getting into alchohol and drugs, and it has really upset me. She was a good friend of Taylor, Katie and I's and we thought she knew better. She knows God, I used to take her to youth and church and my youth retreats on the weekends, and we share our favourite christian songs with eachother, but lately its not been like that. Its all about partying now and being one of the "cool" kids, but frankly I dont find it cool what so ever. It's crazy how much a group of people you hang out with can influence your life and decisions, just to be approved by them. This verse can completely be related to. She has good habits and made good choices, until this group of friends took over.  This group of friends don't know God, this is why they are pulling her into this. They don't know God. They dont believe there is anything wrong with the way they are living. They don't know the word of God, or God's standards for us.  She has to come back to her senses and stop doing that. She told me she know's its wrong but she continues to do it. I have started to pray for her now, for God to direct her to the right path. If you have a friend like this, I encourage you to stick by them. Maybe you dont have to hang out with them all the time, but ask them how theyre doing, remind them of the Lords word. Maybe you don't know the whole story behind why they're like that now.  Even someone like that needs a good influence around, or things could always get worse.  Also, keep yourselves out of situations like that. Find friends that aren't going to peer presure you into things that you know go against God's will. Find friends that know God, and are going to influence you in a positive way. I know I have those friends, and I can always go to them when I need to :) 


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