Proverbs 16:9

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NIV: In their hearts humans plan their course,

    but the Lord establishes their steps.

NCV: People may make plans in their minds,

    but the Lord decides what they will do

Meaning: I absolutely love this verse!!! It perfectly describes what happens in our lives! We plan out what we want, and we know what we are going to do, but then God changes those plans to fit his plans for us. Has that ever happened to you? You make plans with a friend or something, and all of a sudden they cancel last minute on you because something came up. Ya, it does stink sometimes, but it's also good because God had obviously done that for a reason. He wants something different for us, so we have to obey that. As humans, we are intelligent. We set goals and and ambitions for ourselves to reach. God is the ruler over us. He manages our plans so we depend on him. Man willingly plans but God dominantly directs us. We creatively plan, where as God skillfully orders us. Your life is ultimately in Gods hands. No matter what you plan, it could change in an instant. But he knows what he is doing. A lot of people go through life wondering let alone worrier about what Gods will for them is. Honestly, his will is pretty much told for us throughout the bible! Execute your works to the lord as it say in Proverbs 16:3. Create a way to accomplish your godly intentions, and trust that God will take care of the rest of the details! The Lord gave us a heart to love people, to follow our passions. We have wisdom to find a way to carry out our plan. When we commit that plan to God, and follow the ways of scriptual judgement, whether God would approve of ur plan, go for it!  There is nothing wrong with executing a plan if its a plan God would approve of!

-Megan :)  

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