Hebrews 4:12

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NLT:  For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

NIV: For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hello everyone!! I hope that you all had a fabulous summer and are getting right back into the school routine depending on where you live. I am honestly so excited to be back into the swing of things here on Wattpad and continue our daily post routine! For today's post, I want to really talk about the importance of God's word and how vital it is in our walk with God.

Finding time to sit down and read the Bible can be hard sometimes, to pause for a certain amount of time during the day just enjoy God's word. I feel like at times, it's not that I don't have time for it, but rather I don't make time for it. But let's be real, anything that you truly want to make time for, you will make time for it! I want to encourage you to prioritize and get into a daily rhythm, a routine of taking a certain amount time to spend with God. This verse says the word of God is the sharpest sword! It is alive! It's not just a book of ancient stories, it is a love and in action and something that can teach us & revel so much about our awesome God! Having that quiet time with him to start or finsh your day can be very refreshing and filling spiritually. Stay connected with Him and you will continue to grow!

Take Action: I realized that I kind of stopped including this section in my posts, but I feel like that's a really important part when reading the Bible or a verse- to take what you read and apply it to your everyday life!

I want to challenge you with this question and encourage you to really take it to heart: how will you stay connected with God throughout this next year? Make him a part of your daily rhythm, and not just for a set time of the day( still very important to have that time in his word) but strive to serve him in all aspects. Recently, I discovered 2 awesome ways to hear God's word and I find them both very convicting and thought provoking and awesome!! Today I will tell you about the first one in in my next post I will talk about the other one:) The first one is She Reads Truth which is a devotional! It is honestly one of the most real, convicting studies/devotionala I've ever read! It's an app, and basically you can download different studies and work day by day through them! Right now I'm working my way through the study titled "This is the Gospel" which is a 14 day study. Each study is a different length and there is a whole bunch of free ones however some do cost money. Honestly guys, check it out! It is so sweet and their artwork is awesome as well! It's such a great way to hear the Bible in a very real way and I love it!

That's all for today, let me know what you think of "She Reads Truth" if you check it out!

Have a great night, God bless :)


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