Psalm 51:10

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Create in me a pure heart, God,

    and make my spirit right again.


Create in me a pure heart, O God,

    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Meaning:  Ask God to fix you. All of us need to healed with Christ whether it's physically emotionally or mentally. We ask God to change us so we can become a new person a more godly person, but for some reason that old person wants to stick around. That old person that did things we know are wrong, that said bad things, but it doesnt want to leave. We have to make sure were living out what God's giving us.  We asked him to make us a new person, so he is but we need to try to be that new person too instead of letting that old us control us. "Create in me a pure heart O God", sin has caused our hearts to become ruined and we need to call the creator (God) back to remake our heart to what it was like before sin. When i here this verse it remind me of baptism.  When you get baptized you are asking God to re birth you to become clear again and give you a new start to life pretty much.  Your saying you recognize that God is your lord and saviour and you want to follow him now for the rest of your life,  and become a new person.

Christmas is sneaking up quickly!! Only about a month left!! Anyone counting down??  I want to remind everyone that Christmas isn't about gifts. Its about the birth of our lord Jesus and we need to celebrate him that day!

Is anyone doing any school sports?? Or sports outside school?


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