Romans 5:8

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Romans 5:8

NIV: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Meaning: We all sin. Since the beginning when Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, it's been our nature to sin. We all are each unique sinners. We all sin but in different ways. Like I've said before, I have trouble with swearing. I know people who have trouble with lying, with using the Lords name in vain and cheating. We all have worldly desires, each of us have different ones but we all have some. The only thing that can overcome these desires is Gods love. Is love is incredible, it's cliché but it's true! It's like buying something from a store. You don't get that item until you pay for it. We got Gods love, and forgiveness without even paying for it. He payed the ultimate price of death to forgive our sins. He didn't owe us anything, how incredible his love is!!

I have included an amazing video at the start of this post. It's Lecrae a well known Christian rappers testimony. This video is part of the "I Am Second" series and these videos are so inspiring and well made! In the video Lecare talks about his struggle with sin. Drugs,gangs,guns and all the stereotypes of Christians being old and perfect all thrown in his head. He got so frustrated he ended up ripping pages out of his bible. He found he didn't fit anywhere, until he found Jesus. This message will get to at least one of you out there, I encourage you to watch it! It may be a long video but for you those 9 minutes may be life changing!! Go ahead and watch it! Leave me your thoughts in the comments below!

Goodnight guys!


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