1 Peter 2:24

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1 Peter 2:24

NLT: He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross

so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.

Meaning: Yesterday at our Good Friday service, the topic of the sermon was really intriguing. When Jesus was hung on that cross, 3 nails pierced into his body , 1 nail held a sign above is head. 4 nails held him physically to the cross, but what really caused the Son of Man to hang there and suffer for you and me? The Father's will. It was God's plan for Jesus to die for us, he knew it had to be done so that we could be forgiven, our sins washed away. It was joy that kept Jesus on the cross. Yes, joy! The joy of knowing that someday, through his conquering of death, we would be able to spend eternity with him!! The throne was the third nail. Jesus was God's son and was going to become ruler of all, King of Kings at the right hand of God and this was part of God's plan to make it all work together. And last but for sure not least, love. God's amazing love for us, thoughs love is so strong that he allowed his only Son to go through such pain so we can be with him, we can be forgiven! I honestly can't even grasp how amazing that kind of love is, but it's pretty amazing!

"Amazing love,

How can it be

That You, my King, should die for me?

Amazing love,

I know it's true.

It's my joy to honor You,

In all I do, I honor You."

Absolutely beautiful words from Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Love". I am so SO thankful for this amazing gift God has given us and it truly should be our joy to honor him in all that we do. Thank you Lord!!


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