Ecclesiastes 7:20

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NIV: Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,

no one who does what is right and never sins.

NCV: Surely there is not a good person on earth

who always does good and never sins.

Meaning: This verse is great! It tells us that nobody is perfect! Everybody sins, it's a natural thing for us to do. When the Lord made Adam and Eve, they were pure, I dont think they knew exactly what sin even was. There were temptations out in the Garden of Eden and unfortunately they were drawn in by Satan and sinned. Since then, Sin is inevitable for humans. There is no way to avoid sin because Adam and Eve made it a natural part of the human nature. This is why God made an alternate way to still have a close relationship with him! We ask him to forgive our sins and he can wash our slate clean! This way our bond between Christ can still be as strong as anything! Hopefully all of you know your not perfect. Not one of you can say you have never sinned because I can 100% guarantee you have. The bible states only the truth. But we have to remember to let God take those burdens of sin off our backs. It just creates a wall between us. Last year ta camp, there was a skit that the counselors put on. The one counselor was supposed to be a sinner. He had a huge inflatable tube on his back representing a burden. And he wasnt aloud to walk into the lords kingdom until he had the burden removed. One day he decided maybe he should get it removed my this man (who was God) and once it was off he felt free, and happier and that's what we should feel like when the Lord takes our sins away. He was then aloud in Gods kingdom because his burdens and sin weren't blocking the relationship between him and Christ. He wants us to be the same as that. He wants to have a close connection with all of us, so you have to let him remove your burdens as well!

I Deeply apologize for not posting for a while! I had a fever and chills and migraines and all that great stuff but thankfully I'm feeling a bit better today! I hope you all had a great weekend! Praying for all of you :)


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