1 Corinthians 12:20

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1 Corinthians 12:20

NIV: As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

Meaning: I love the analogy of comparing the church and the followers of God to the body talked about in 1 Corinthians 12. If you are looking for a chapter to read, I would definitely recommend it! The body is amazing and something that you would have to be super creative to come up with, which God totally is. Each part serves a different purpose, has a different meaning and a different "mission". And that is exactly what the body of Christ is like! With God at the head, we as followers make up the rest of it. Yet the beauty of it is we each are a different part, we each have a different God given gift! Spiritual gifts are abilities or talents that God has blessed you with that should be used to bring glory back to him. Maybe you feel like you have the gift of speaking to people about Jesus loves, or are a talented singer... use those! Or maybe you have to gift of teaching, or you are passionate about kids and want to help out at your churches Sunday School...do it! You see, we all are a different part, yet are still one body, serving the same one, true, awesome God!

Take Action: Use your spiritual gifts! Yet something that I feel is key is the reason you are doing what you are doing... is it for your own praise and glory that you may get from others or is it to bring glory back to the one who gave you those gifts? Humility can be hard, but in the long run, it is worth it! One more thing... maybe you don't like speaking in front of people or your more of an introverted person, that's awesome! Don't feel like you have to be up front during your church service or be leading something to use your gifts. Maybe you are a super organized and creative person, maybe you could help plan your events for your church. Each of you are and important part of the body of Christ, never forget that!

God bless:)

~ Katie

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