Psalm 119:165

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NCV: Those who love your teachings will find true peace,and nothing will defeat them.

NIV: Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

Meaning: For those who follow God's word and law's (the bible) nothing can come against them. For those who had a rough time or are having a rough time its good to remember that God is always there with you. As long as you listen to what God's telling you to do, you can defeat anything. Like Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through christ what gives me strength. Nothing will defeat you if Christ Jesus is in your heart. I cant stress enough about how important it is to put God first in your life and follow his guide lines and boundaries he has set for us to live by.

Take Action: Share this verse with people around you. Write it on sticky notes and just stick them places people will find, even stranger's! its a great feeling when u find something like that from a complete stranger even. Spread Gods love ♡

**school is coming soon...ahhh. I dont want summer to end, yet I am excited at the same time. What are you thoughts on school..???!!**


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