Mark 15:16

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Mark 16:15

NIV:  He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation

NLT: And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone

Meaning: This has been something on my mind lately... I've been thinking about some of my non- Christian friends and how I can share God's gift of salvation with them. These friends are awesome people, people I care about and want to spend eternity with in heaven! This verse is a great motivation to take that step and share my faith with, not just my friends, but with the world! Go into all of creation, into all of the world to share the Good News, that our Savior offers us new life through his son. This can sound a lot easier than it is, but I think that we can share our faith in ways big and small. Simply our actions towards others should make people say " wow, somethings different about them" So whether it's something small like showing love to a hard to love person, or staring up a bible study in your home, take that action to further God's kingdom. How can you use your God- given gifts to share your faith? (read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 []) I challenge you to keep this in you mind as you take on a new week!


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