1 Samuel 2:22

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NIV: There is no one holy like the Lord,

Indeed, there is no one besides You,

Nor is there any rock like our God

NCV: There is no one holy like the Lord.

There is no God but you;

there is no rock like our God.

Meaning: There is not a single thing that could compare to God or compare to his love for us. He died for every single one of us and he did it without even thinking about it. Sometimes people may believe in other God's or simply that there is no God what so ever and sometimes it may be hard for us to take in. Like how can you live without God? God is our everything! We have to remember that there is no one like him. sometimes we may get caught up in the groove of the modern day's ways. God is our rock and our comforter and we can lean on him at anytime because he will always be here for us. I was watching the "I Am Second" video of Bethany Hamilton. For those of you who dont know, she was surfing and got her arm bitten off by a shark, but she still continued to have faith in God. I want you guys to watch it and thinking about what you would have thought toward God. Bethany continued to serve the lord even after that incident because she knew that God was the only way. Hes the only God and no matter how upset you may be with what he let happen, he's the only way you can live. No matter how mad you are, covering it up by occupying yourself with other "gods" or idols like sports or money and food even, wont help you feel better. You need to confess your feelings to the true God, and he will fix you!


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