James 1:19-20

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Today's verse: James 1:19-20

NIV: My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

NCV: My dear brothers and sisters, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily, because anger will not help you live the right kind of life God wants.

Meaning: Some of life's most important skills are addressed in this verse! You will live a long,great life if you always listen to others and think before you speak. These thing will be what keeps your temper under control. When people have something to say, LISTEN!! What they say might surprise you! The world is full of sinners, all of us sin! Those sinners will hurt and anger you! But you must think about what you say before you speak because saying hurtful things won't help! Don't fight fire with fire! Show Gods love and don't become angry easily! These skills will help you to live a holy life that God wants!

Take action: I like to talk a lot, like ALL the time! So sometimes it's hard for me to just sit and listen! We all have something to work on! Whether it be speaking with care, temper control or listening we aren't perfect! You just have to practice these things! Memorize this verse and repeat it to yourself frequently! Pray and ask God to help you reach your goal, whatever it be! Keep in mind that it won't be an easy journey but in the end it will be worth it!

Have a great week guys! I really appreciate all your support so far! I can't believe we hit 1K views!!! If you guys have any verse requests, feedback, or suggestions let us know in the comments below!

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