Romans 10:9

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Today's verse: Romans 10:9

NIV: If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

NCV: If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.

Meaning and Take Action: So the other day I saw someone comment on our message board. They asked how you know if you've been saved or not. If feel like so many people push the fact that everyone should be saved. But, the majority of those people don't really know how to be saved. This verse tells us a few things, you need to believe in your heart and be unafraid to say that "Jesus is Lord." Also like this verse says, you must believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead. Once you believe those things you can ask him into your heart forever. Find a quiet place and confess all your sins. Beg for forgiveness and ask him into your heart. Say "Lord, I believe you are the king, I believe God raised Jesus from the dead. I want you to use me to help bring other to you and I want you to live within me." Something along those lines are sufficient. There's tones of prayers for being saved you can find online if your interested. But personally I find it easier not to just read a prayer but just to talk to him like I'm talking to a friend. The final most challenging step to being saved is to continue with that lifestyle. Anybody can say the believe and pray to God asking to be saved. The major difference between a saved person and a non saved one is the life they live. So, if you truly want to be saved, go out and live a life that's pleasing to God. Be helpful, show Jesus to others, confess your sins when you have sinned and be kind and loving to everyone. Like the verse says, once you have done these things, you shall be saved.

I hope you all had a relaxing Sunday and have a great Monday tommorow! Ya, nobody likes Mondays. But, if you wake up in the morning with a positive attitude your day will go 10 times better :)


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