Mothers Day {Proverbs 31:28}

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Proverbs 31:28

NIV: Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:


It's such a reminiscing moment as I remember writing a similar post a year ago! We are all blessed with many things we tend to forget about; one being a mother. Not everyone's in the same situation however, not everyone has a mother, or at least a good one. That is such a sad thought. I couldn't imagine life without my biggest supporter, motivator and critic. My mother means so much to me. I can for sure say I'm blessed to have her. Me and my father both love her dearly even though she's a pain in the butt sometimes. Mother's Day shouldn't be a one time thing. As we count our blessings remember to count your mother/mother figure in there. I'm so blessed to have a women to have fun with, cook supper with, chat with and go through everything with. Family is forever and we are all incredibly blessed to have mothers. Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful women out there, you might not hear it enough but all of you are incredible blessings!

Sorry for lack of posts for almost a week! Things have been super crazy for us and posts had to take a back seat. However we are back an ready to return to a normal schedule.


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