1 Corinthians 10:21

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NCV: You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons also. You cannot share in the Lord’s table and the table of demons.

NIV: You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons.

Meaning: Some people say that they are Christian, but they go and do ungodly things. In my opinion, this doesn't mean that they aren't Christian. We are human, we make mistakes, and we ask God for forgiveness because we realize that we have done wrong and sinned against him. But, i do believe that when someone repetitively does something they know is wrong and is against God, or in other words, something Satan has brought upon them, then it is showing that they are not commited to Christ. How can one walk with Christ, yet still follow Satans path. It just is not possible. Do you ever see those people at church that go to youth or on sundays and just act so Christian and you love that about them, and then you see them in the hallways at school and you wouldnt even be able to recognize them because they are a totally different person, by the way they act, what they say, who they hang out with. MAKE UP YOUR MIND PEOPLE! Dont stand in between. Be a full follower of the Lord. Satan tries to luer us in with his evil plans, and temptations in the world. Things you might really want to do...but think logically. Satan will luer you in but give you only but bad things. God usually waits for us to find him, because he gave us the freedom of choise. but if you choose God, he will provide you with an unlimited amout of what you need. All good stuff. All stuff to make you become a better person. You can't follow the Lord and Satan all at once, so take a minute...What side of the fence are you on?


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