Back to school

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So as most of us are back to school, and we go back our daily routines, we have to remember to keep God as the main part of our lives. At school, it is usually hard to keep your focus on God. When your surrounded by people that don't know God, sometimes we fall into temptations. Whether you're surrounded by people who swear a lot, or go to parties all the time, and lot's more, we should stay strong in our faith, like 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says "Be on guard. Stand firm in faith. Be courageous. Be strong. Do everything in love." Be aware of the people around you. Put yourselves in good situations where you can give all your glory to God. Also take time from your day just to sit and be with him. Listen to what he has to say to you, maybe he is ready to use you in a miraculous way! I recommend doing daily devotions and stuff, but don't make it routine that every morning you read the bible then go on about your day. Make it something you want to do, not something you're forcing yourself to do! Back to the bible verse I shared before, I ABSOLUTELY love that verse soo much! 5 little things God is telling us to  keep us happy and safe and give glory to him! I Encourage you to write/decorate this verse on a white board, or a chalkboard in your rooms or anywhere in the house! It would be very reassuring whenever you look at it and it would look sweet! So I  hope school has been going good so far, and I just wanted to remind everyone of you to bring God with you everyday wherever you go, and shine his light, so people can see that you are different from everyone else!


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