1 Timothy 4:12

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1 Timothy 4:12,

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

Meaning: I wanted to share with you something that has really been on my mind lately, being an example. I feel like this verse is so perfect and relatable to all our lives. As Christians, many of us strive to be noticed by non-Christians. Many of us want to be such a good Christian that people are like "wow she's a Christian!" See, this is way easier said then done, we are all imperfect. In the same way we should set an example for people who don't know Christ, it's maybe more important to set an example for other believers. I've seen many people go from Christian to literally dropping those morals like its nothing, it's scary. We should help each other out, build each other up. Speak to others with kindness and purpose, set people up for success! It's much easier to keep your speech clean if you have that influence around you. In the same way, act godly, this will help your fellow believers do the same! This verse also tells us to be an example through our love and through our faith. Love on everyone and anyone, show them what Gods love is like! Finally, set an example in purity. I personally know people that were said to be Christians but have a huge issue with purity. Sure, it may be tempting but I can assure you, if you surround yourselves with the right people, the people who are good examples, it will be much, much easier. To sum this verse up, in all you do, be s good example to your fellow believers help them out!

Take action: I really want to encourage all of you to take some time to think about yourself as an example. Are you there for your friends, are your friends there for you? Do they have the same morals as you, do you build each other up? We aren't made to walk this journey alone, surround yourself with good examples. It might not be easy to find those people, you might not be the coolest, or the most popular but it will be worth it! I promise you!

I hope you all are having a wonderful night! Please feel free to message us whenever, we love hearing from you!


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