Proverbs 31:8

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NIV: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

    for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

    defend the rights of the poor and needy.

NCV: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;

    defend the rights of all those who have nothing.

Speak up and judge fairly,

    and defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Meaning: As Christians, part of our dudy is to help the needy, speak up for them and defend the defenseless. A reminder that our health, rights, blessings and wealth is not something we should take for granted.It is given to us from God so we can use it to bless others that are lessfortunate. Its a lot of the little things that we do that make other people day. For example, if you live in the city and there might be a lot of homeless people on the streets asking for money, you can take them to buy a lunch for them or buy them a coffee. Some people think that because some people don't have as much money as others, that they're less important. They're not equal and shouldn't be treated the same. But in reality, everyone is the same. Everyone should be able to do the same stuff. Don't look at other people differently just because they may look different from you. Instead, think of something nice you could do for them. Other possible choices are buying them a bible. Everyone could use a little more Jesus. Go our of your way to make someone feel good. Not just a friend or family member, but someone maybe you don't know. Even a smile can make someones day. In another perspective, lets say you see someone  at school being bullied. What will you do? Being a Christian, you should stand up for the person. Not meaning go to the bully and punch him/her, or use crude language but defend the person being bullied. Invite him/her to hang out with you. Maybe you can begin the start of a new friendship! Lastly, don't take sides with your friends if you know theyre wrong. judge fairly, not based on friendships. If the persons a true friend, they should realize that you were doing what you thought was right. :) Remember though, no matter who it is, everyone is a person, everyone has feelings, everyone is equal. 


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