Ephesians 4:29

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Ephesians 4:29

ESV: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

This week I watched a video by Jeff Bethke who I have talked about before, absolutely LOVE the stuff he does, his videos podcasts books... here's the link, I really encourage you to watch the whole thing before reading this post:

I love the ideas and thoughts Jeff talks about and the way he approaches the ides of swearing and it being a sin.

Words have a weight to them, and I know personally this is something that I don't think I truly understand and I often forgot the power they hold. Like James says, it only takes a single match, 1 flame to set an entire forest on fire and the same is with our tongues, in the words we say. They have the power to reap destruction but they also have power to encourage people and build people up! And what's interesting about this verse is that it doesn't say let specific words come out of your mouth, but ANY corrupting talk, anything that hurts or that destroys. That's something to think about, no corrupting talk. And another thing as Christians that we have to think about is that what we say is not just a shows who we are as a person and what our heart is, but it represents our King! And it's so cool that are words and help to plant seeds in people's hearts an bring more glory to God!
I encouraged you to really think about these ideas and talk to God about them, maybe you struggle with this or its something you'd like to grow in. As you continue throughout your week, keep this in mind
"...But what if we actually let our mouths be a place where only words come out that built up, that encouraged, that loved, that spike truth over people, love over people, compassion over people so that it might give grace to those who hear.." (Jeff Bethke)
Set the attached pictures as you phone wallpaper for this week so that you have that reminder to speak life into others!


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