Ephesians 4:26

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NIV: In your anger do not sin, Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

NCV: When you are angry, do not sin, and be sure to stop being angry before the end of the day.

Meaning: In my opinion, this verse means that you should not stay angry long. Do not hold grudges against people. Its better to forgive and move on. No this does not mean that you have to stay friends, with them, but you should definitely forgive what happened. I know that personally when I forgive someone it is like a weight lifted off my shoulders. This is because I dont have to spend all my time being mad. I was talking to a leader at my church about how I forgive so easily, and because I always forgive right away. It makes people think they can continuously keep hurting me because im always gonna end up saying its okay and moving on. But there is a point where I have to say NO this isn't okay anymore. Maybe some of you have that problem too, and its not necessarily a bad thing to forgive, because that's what God wants us to do. However, you need to take care of yourself. People that have a hard time forgiving should remember what God wants from us. Ephesians 4:32 and so many other verses even say "forgive people as Christ has forgiven you". Its something you should really remember. The verse says "dont let the sun go down while you are still angry". I dont know if its just me, but I cant go to bed mad at someone, honestly I can't. God does not want us to hold things against people. Just think about it, if you dont like people holding things against you, then dont do it yourself either. God always forgives us. Whenever we sin, we can go to him right away and he will wipe our slates completely clean from anything we have done. The bible tells us to be as close like God as we can. This is one way we can be like him. Get angered slowly, but forgive quickly. Also when you are upset, dont sin. Try to stay calm nd talk to God about whats bothering you. There is no need to lash out in your words, actions, or thoughts!

-Megan <3

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