Matthew 5:44

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Matthew 5:44

NIV: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Yesterday at church, there was a video played that talked about how every 5 minutes, someone somewhere in the world is persecuted for their faith. In many, many countries, Christianity is not only looked down upon, but completely and utterly not welcome and people are killed for believing in Jesus. This thought provoking video shared what some people who stand strong in their faith experience and other impacting statistics.

Last year, a missionary family from my church were in a very dangerous country where Christianity was definitely not welcome. This family went through so many rough times and moments of fear and not knowing what to do, yet the stood strong in their faith and God was watching out for them!! This really inspires me to remember to stand strong on my faith, not matter how difficult it may be!

This verse tells us to love our enemies, to prat for those who hurt us. This is definitely easier said then done, but it is so important that, even those people who hurt us or who we might not get along with, that we pray for them and show them God's love... and maybe even lead them to Christ. :)

Take Action: This week, whether it be at school, work or wherever pick one person who you don't really get along with and pray for them. Each time you see them, pray for them! Also, like I mentioned before, keep those people who are being persecuted for their faith in your prayers as well. Pray that they may stand strong in their faith and will continue to serve out awesome God :)

Jesus is the peace in our troubled sea! Have a great week :)

- Katie

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