God Didn't Promise

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"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it."

One of the huge misconceptions about Christians is that we believe God will make our lives perfect and that nothing bad will ever happen to us. Very untrue, this verse explains it perfectly! He didn't tell us we would have perfect lives, he told us he would help us through it. There will be times we experience great pain. You must take the good with the bad. We will be blessed with laughter and with sorrow. Beautiful days of sunshine and days with rain will come our way. If we don't experience both the good and the bad would we ever really treasure what we have? The things out incredible God did promise were that he'd give us strength,comfort and a plan for us. If he put it in our life, he will help us through it. He has a plan for each of us. When we are in pain he's there, our shoulder to cry on. The Christian life isn't perfect, just like everyone else's, we all experience "bad" things. The difference however is that we have a provider of strength,comfort and a great future to lean on when others without Christ don't! So, take the good with the bad and put on a happy face! There is so much to be happy and thankful for!

***So I thought id change it up and throw in a super cool quote day, I hope you enjoyed it! Anyways I want to inform you guys that we will be taking a break for two-ish weeks. Our final post will be December 19th and we will return January 5th! We haven't taken a significant break in the whole 230 days and Christmas is about spending family and Christ time. I hope that's okay guys! Think about it this way, during those weeks you have over 200 you can re read! Who knows, maybe you'll get something new out of it! However, there may be some surprise posts of we are feeling up to it :)


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