Romans 15:4

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Today's verse: Romans 15:4

NIV: For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

NCV: Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. The Scriptures give us patience and encouragement so that we can have hope.

Meaning: The reason we learn history in school, have museums and have historians is because history teaches us. Ever heard the saying "history repeats itself?" Everything in the past we can learn from, weather it be good or bad. The bible is a historical work of art and just like this verse says, we an learn from it. The bible may seem scary and daunting at first but once you dig in, it's incredible! There is so many encouraging,helpful,life changing and wise verses. I must say, the bible is my favorite book! It has taught me way more than a school textbook ever could ( haha!) Again, like the verse says, the scripture can fill us up with so much hope! That's what makes reading the bible so worth while!

Id like to know if this book is helping you guys to read the bible easier! I really wish when I first started reading I would have found a book like this out there! Through the journey of making this book I've learned so much and I hope you have as well! Id love to hear your guys thoughts on the book so far and any suggestions you may have! Feel free to send us a message or leave a comment below! We try to reply to everyone!

Have a superb night guys! You're all so lovely!

-Taylor :)

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