Galatians 1:10

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Galatians 1:10

NIV:Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

NCV: Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Meaning: This is my absolute new favorite verse, I love when I stubble upon hidden gems. This verse is so absolutely true, and I wish I could share this verse with all the people that judge and make assumptions of me. Honestly, I'm at the point in my relationship with God where I don't really care what people thing of me. I'm not here to please you or anyone else. The reason in here and why I do what I do, is to please God! The way of the world is to be tempted by the devil. So if I was here to be approved by you, I wouldn't serve a Christ. This verse is so critical for all of us Christians to read. Guys, you must go serve Christ and not care what other people think. You do you, don't look for people's approval, you won't get it. Knowing that our king loves you unconditionally should be enough approval for you :)

Take action: This week I challenge you guys to spread this verse. Put it in your bio section on Instagram, post it on twitter, do something! I feel like this is such a great verse that needs to be shared with everyone!

Have a superb night guys!

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