Proverbs 19:21

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Proverbs 19:21

NIV: Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

NCV: People can make all kinds of plans, but only the Lord's plan will happen.

Meaning: Us humans tend to make plans for ourselves. Constantly throughout our lives we are asked what we want to do in life, what our goals are. Especially being a teenager in high school we are constantly faced with the "what do you want to do after high school" question. While some people can answer and have all their lives planned out, I'm still unsure. I'm waiting for The Lord to show me my purpose, I'm going to follow his plans for me. I mean it's great to have stuff planned out and to strive go your goals but in the end, only the plans The Lord has will happen. You can make plans to go out Friday night but maybe God will make something else come up, preventing you from going. We all must just trust God, he had plans for us. It's great to have plans just keep an open mind and remember, all your plans are God willing.

Take action: A really neat idea to try is to get a pics of paper and fold it in half. On one half write all your life plans/goals. On the other half write plans you may thing god has for you. Then go through your list of life plans you have and cross off any you think God would disapprove of. Then order the things left on your paper from 10 being most important and 1 being least important. This is a great, clear way to set your priorities straight! I encourage you to keep this paper somewhere handy. Look at it everyday! When you complete something, check it off! It's always great to be reminded your goals!

So here in Canada we just got a tone of snow!! Today was mine and Megan's first snow day of the year! It's really exciting since I know Katie and I love to ski and we need lots of snow for that! I'm really curious what the weather where you live is like! Leave me a comment down below!!


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